

The Bible Sayeth: "Take Slow, Deep Breaths!" (Book of Elections 20:20)

The election is just around the corner, and the Bible sayeth: "take slow, deep breaths!" (Book of Elections 20:20)


OK--that might be a paraphrase. But in Deuteronomy 31, we do read similar words about the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua: chazak ve'ematz, "Be strong and courageous." Now, in this tense and liminal political moment, that advice may be needed more than ever.

When these words arise in Deuteronomy, they are given in three different ways. First, God uses them to calm the Israelites, saying "'Be strong and courageous,' because I won't be leaving you." Second, Moses uses them with Joshua, instructing him: "'Be strong and courageous,' I will be with you, and the people need you!" Finally, God speaks directly to Joshua: "'Be strong and courageous,' you will be bringing the Israelites into their promised land, and I will accompany you."

As we head into what may be the most consequential election of our lifetime, we should seek strength and courage, in all ways. We must work to be strong enough to support each other, as God did the Israelites, remembering that--no matter what happens come Tuesday--we will all still be here together on November 4th. We must be courageous as Moses was with Aaron, remembering that many people depend on us and our leadership. And, finally, we must be both strong and courageous enough to be hopeful, knowing that God will accompany us wherever the coming days take us.

Together, with our God and with our community, we can face the coming week with strength, courage, and resolve.

Aryeh Jun